Achievements :
IIITDM IEEE SB was initiated in 27th October, 2016 and Ms. Sangamalika Rajkumar was elected as the chair of IEEE SB.
Ms. Sangamalika Rajkumar presented her idea in the IEEE Innovation challenge in the IEEE SYWL Congress 2016 held at Bangalore during 25th to 27th August, 2016.
Ms. Sangamalika Rajkumar receives a grant of 10,000/- from IEEE Madras Section to attend the IEEE R10 SYWL Congress as a student delegate.
Mr. Chandu DS, Research Scholar is elected as an executive committee member for the office bearers 2018-2019 of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Chapter (AP-S) of the Madras Section.
Dr.M.D.Selvaraj, Branch Counselor becomes a senior member in IEEE.
Ms. Laxmi N, student chair of IEEE SB, is placed as an intern at RWTH University, Aachen, Germany.
Mr. Chandu DS, Research Scholar becomes a part of the R10 IEEE 2018 SAC team as a Zonal Student Representative of Asia and Pacific regions.
IEEE SB conducts a series of 6 back-to-back events from October 2017 to March 2018.